Blind Veterans UK Centenary Garden construction starts!
Fisher Tomlin and Bowyer have released details of the new woodland garden that will be built at Blind Veterans UK new Llandudno Centre. Work is now underway to transform 4 acres of woodland into a useful resource for those using the centre and local residents.
The new woodland will include a series of experiences linked by a matrix of paths where vision impaired ex-servicemen and women can enjoy the woodland in groups as well as on their own. Other features include a special wildlife and bird watching walk as well as shelters, hides and a raised walkway through a densely planted tree planting.
In addition to the woodland Fisher Tomlin & Bowyer have designed a separate kitchen garden that will include some more unusual edible plants. Paul Wynne-Williams who is leading the project said “Blind Veterans UK has been providing services to veterans since 1915 and as we approach our 100th year this is a great way to celebrate the work that we do by providing a resource that not just our visitors but the whole community can use.”